A Faster Way to Identify High Risk Windows Assets
Scanning is a pretty common first step when trying to identify Windows systems that are missing critical patches. However, there is a faster way to start the process. Active Directory stores the operating system version and service pack level for every Windows system associated with the domain. Historically that information has been used during penetration tests to target systems missing patches like MS08-67, but it can also be used by blue teams to help streamline identification of high risk assets as part of their standard vulnerability management approach. In this blog I’ll cover a high level overview of how it can be done and point to a few scripts that can be used to help automate the process.
Introduction to Computer Accounts
When a system is added to a Windows domain, a computer account is created in Active Directory. The computer account provides the computer with access to domain resources similar to a domain user account. Periodically the computer account checks in with Active Directory to do things like rotate its password, pull down group policy updates, and sync OS version and service pack information. The OS version and service pack information are then stored in Active Directory as properties which can be queried by any domain user. This makes it a great source of information for attackers and blue teamers. There is also a hotfix property associated with each computer account in Active Directory, but from what I’ve seen it’s never populated. So at some point vulnerability scanning (or at least service fingerprinting) is required to confirm that systems suffer from critical vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability Scanner Feature Requests ![:)](https://blog.netspi.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)
To my knowledge, none of the major vulnerability scanners use the computer account properties from Active Directory during scanning (although I haven’t reviewed them all in detail). My hope is that sometime in the near future they’ll add some options for streamlining the identification of high risk Windows assets (and potentially asset discovery) using an approach like the one below.
- A vulnerability scanning profile for “High Risk Windows Systems Scan” could be selected in the vulnerability scanning software. The profile could be configured with least privileged domain credentials for authenticating to Active Directory. It could also be configured with network ranges to account for systems that are not part of the domain.
- A vulnerability scan could be started using the profile. The scan could connect to Active Directory via LDAP or the Active Directory Web Service (ADWS) and dump all of the enabled domain computers from Active Directory along with their OS version and Service Pack level.
- The results could be filtered using a profile configuration setting to only show systems that have checked in with Active Directory recently. Typically, if a system hasn’t checked in with Active Directory in a month, then it's most likely been decommissioned without having its account disabled.
- The results could be filtered again for OS versions and service pack levels known to be out of date or unsupported.
- Finally, a credentialed vulnerability scan could be conducted against the supplied network ranges and the filtered list of domain systems pulled from Active Directory to help verify that they are actually vulnerable.
They may be obvious, but I’ve listed some of the advantages of this approach below:
- High risk assets can be identified and triaged quickly.
- Target systems don’t rely on potentially out of date asset lists.
- The initial targeting of high risk systems does not require direct access to isolated network segments that are a pain to reach.
- From an offensive perspective, the target enumeration usually goes undetected.
I chatted with Will Schroeder a little, and he added that it would be nice if vulnerability scanners also had an Active Directory vulnerability scanning profile to account for all of the misconfigurations that penetration testers commonly take advantage of. This could cover quite a few things including, but not limited to, insecure group policy configurations (covers a lot) and excessive priviliges related to deligated privileges, domain trusts, group inheritance, GPO inheritance, and Active Directory user/computer properties.
Automating the Process with PowerShell
Ideally it would be nice to see Active Directory data mining techniques used as part of vulnerability management programs more often. However, I think the reality is that until the functionality comes boxed with your favorite vulnerability scanner it wont be a common practice. While we all wait for that to happen there are a few PowerShell scripts available to help automate some of the process. I spent a little time writing a PowerShell script called “Get-ExploitableSystems.psm1” that can automate some of steps that I listed in the last section . It was build off of work done in two great PowerShell projects: PowerTools (by Will Schroeder and Justin Warner) and Posh-SecMod (by Carlos Perez).
PowerView (which is part of the PowerTools toolkit) has a function called “Invoke-FindVulnSystems” which looks for systems that may be missing patches like MS08-67. It’s fantastic, but I wanted to ignore disabled computer accounts, and sort by last logon dates to help determine which systems are alive without having to wait for ping replies. Additionally, I built in a small list of relevant Metasploit modules and CVEs for quick reference.
I also wanted the ability to easily query information in Active Directory from a non-domain system. That’s where Carlos’s PoshSec-Mod project comes in. I used Carlos’s "Get-AuditDSComputerAccount” function as a template for authenticating to LDAP with alternative domain credentials via ADSI.
Finally, I shoved all of the results into a data table object. I've found that data tables can be really handy in PowerShell, because they allow you to dump out your dataset in a way that easily feeds into the PowerShell pipeline. For more details take a look at the code on GitHub, but be warned – it may not be the prettiest code you’ve even seen. 😉
Get-ExploitableSystems.psm1 Examples
The Get-ExploitableSystems.psm1 module can be downloaded here. As I mentioned, I’ve tried to write it so that the output works in the PowerShell pipeline and can be fed into other PowerShell commands like “Test-Connection” and “Export-Csv”. Below are a few examples of standard use cases.
Import the module.
123Import-Module Get-ExploitableSystems.psm1 -
Run the function using integrated authentication.
123Get-ExploitableSystems -
Run the function against a domain controller in a different domain and make the output pretty.
123Get-ExploitableSystems -DomainController -Credential demo\administrator | Format-Table –AutoSize -
Run the function against a domain controller in a different domain and write the output to a CSV file.
123Get-ExploitableSystems -DomainController -Credential demo\administrator | Export-Csv c:\temp\output.csv –NoTypeInformation -
If you’re still interested in pinging hosts to verify they’re up you can use the command below.
123Get-ExploitableSystems -DomainController -Credential demo\administrator | Test-Connection
Since Will is a super ninja PowerShell guru he has already integrated the Get-ExploitableSystems updates into PowerTools. So I recommend just using PowerTools moving forward.
Active Directory Web Service Example
As it turns out you can do the same thing pretty easily with Active Directory Web Services (ADWS). ADWS can be accessed via the PowerShell Active Directory module cmdlets, and basically used to manage the domain. To get them setup on a Windows 7/8 workstation you should be able to follow the instructions below.
Download and install "Remote Server Administration Tools" for Windows 7/8:
In PowerShell run the following commands:
1234Import-Module ServerManagerAdd-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell -
Verify that the ActiveDirectory module is available with the following command:
123Get-Module -ListAvailable -
Import the Active Directory module.
123import-module ActiveDirectoryNow you should be ready for action!
As I mentioned before, one of my requirements for the script was having the ability to dump information from a domain controller on a domain that my computer is not associated with, using alternative domain credentials. Khai Tran was nice enough to show me an easy way to do this with the Active Directory PowerShell provider. Below are the basic steps. In the example below a.b.c.d represent the target domain controller's IP address.
New-PSDrive -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Name RemoteADS -Root "" -Server a.b.c.d -credential domain\user
cd RemoteADS:
Now every PowerShell AD command we run should be issued to the remote domain controller. I recently came across a really nice PowerShell presentation by Sean Metcalf called "Mastering PowerShell and Active Directory” that covers some useful ADWS command examples. Below is a quick code example showing how to dump active computer accounts and their OS information based on his presentation.
$tendays=(get-date).AddDays(-10);Get-ADComputer -filter {Enabled -eq $true -and LastLogonDate -gt $tendays } -Properties samaccountname,Enabled,LastLogonDate,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemHotFix | select name,Enabled,LastLogonDate,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemHotFix | format-table -AutoSize
The script only shows enabled computer accounts that have logged in within the last 10 days. You should be able simply change the -10 if you want to go back further. However, after some reading it sounds like the "LastLogonDate" is relative to the domain controller you're querying. So to get the real "LastLogonDate" you'll have to query all of the domain controllers.
Wrap Up
In this blog I took a quick look at how common Active Directory mining techniques used by the pentest community can also be used by the blue teams to reduce the time it takes to identify high risk Windows systems in their environments. Hopefully, as time goes on, we’ll see vulnerability scanners and SIEM solutions using them too. Whatever side you’re on (red or blue) I hope the information has been useful. Have fun and hack responsibly.
- https://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2014/01/15/understanding-the-useraccountcontrol-attribute-in-active-directory.aspx
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Microsoft_Windows_versions
- https://github.com/darkoperator/Posh-SecMod
- https://github.com/Veil-Framework/PowerTools
- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms680987%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/30514
- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee198792.aspx
- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731641.aspx
- http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/22461.understanding-the-ad-account-attributes-lastlogon-lastlogontimestamp-and-lastlogondate.aspx
- http://adsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NoVaPowerShellUsersGroup2015-ActiveDirectoryPowerShell.pdf
- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd391908%28v=ws.10%29.aspx