פקודות NMAP מהירות ומלכולכות
קטע קוד: ניתן להורדה: https://github.com/slacker007/simpleNMAP
import os
import sys
import subprocess
chances = 4
end_prog = 0
def menu2():
cidr = raw_input(“Please enter the network cider or IP to be scanned EX: or “)
return cidr
def menu1(chances):
print “\n(1) Host Discovery: ”
print “(2) Port & Service Discovery (top ports only): ”
print “(3) Port & Service Discovery (All 65536): ”
print “(4) OS Discovery: ”
print “(5) RUN ALL \n”
choice1 = raw_input(“What type of scan would you like to run? “)
if choice1 == ‘3’:
print “\n******* If you are running this against a network range it will take a while! Best if used agaist a single IP or small range of addresses *******\n”
if choice1 not in (“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”):
if chances <= 1:
chances = chances – 1
print “Error, Please check your answer choice and try again: %d tries remaining: ” % (chances)
print “Choice Successful”
return choice1
def menu3(chances, end_prog):
if chances > 1:
choice3 = raw_input(“would you like to run another scan? (y or n) “)
choice3 = choice3.lower()
if choice3 not in (‘y’, ‘n’):
print “*** INPUT ERROR, Please enter either y or n ***”
chances = chances – 1
menu3(chances, end_prog)
if str(choice3) == ‘n’:
def scanner(cidr, choice1, chances):
if choice1 == ‘1’:
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-PN’, ‘-sn’, ‘-PE’, ‘-PP’, ‘-T4’, ‘-ohostlist.UP’, cidr])
elif choice1 == ‘2’:
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-PN’, ‘-sV’,’-oservices2′,cidr])
elif choice1 == ‘3’:
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-PN’, ‘-sV’, ‘-p 1-65535’, ‘-oservices3’, cidr])
elif choice1 == ‘4’:
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-Pn’, ‘-O’, ‘-oosversions’, cidr])
elif choice1 == ‘5’:
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-PN’, ‘-sn’, ‘-PE’, ‘-PP’, ‘-T4’, ‘-ohostlist.UP’, cidr])
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-PN’, ‘-sV’, ‘-p 1-65535’, ‘-oservices3’, cidr])
subprocess.check_call([‘nmap’, ‘-n’, ‘-v’, ‘-Pn’, ‘-O’, ‘-oosversions’, cidr])
while (1):
choice1 = menu1(chances)
cidr = menu2()
scanner(cidr, choice1, chances)
menu3(chances, end_prog)